Friday, March 2, 2007

Review of "Jesus Camp" (2006)

Jesus Camp (2006)

Scariest movie I have seen since Halloween and I was 7 then.

This isn't the kind of scary movie involving twisted carnage or shock value. If you are an intelligent human being that asks questions, this is the kind of movie that will scare you to the core of your being. This is probably the first time in many years, in which I was intensely frightened by a movie. It is also the best kind of documentary. One in which you sit back, not add any commentary, and let the images and sounds speak for themselves. It is funny to think that the filmmakers genuinely intended this movie to show a softer, more personal side of the Christian Evangelical movement in the US.

The whole premise of this documentary is to follow around a group of children, their parents and the camp they go to. A religious camp that inspires and teaches about JC. JC in the house!! JC as in Jesus Christ. There's nothing wrong with JC, if you actually follow what he taught - love and acceptance. It is clear (even before watching this) that Evangelicals have an agenda. It isn't just religion, but rather more a neo-fascist organization veiling itself in JC and the garbs of religion (American for Americans, American for Christians, etc). I use the term fascist because fascist ideals used nationalism and the idea of one-people-one-country to justify an us against them agenda. Again this is nothing new. There are parallels in the Islamic and Jewish faiths as well. The Islamic version have been called terrorists. Funny, I don't see much of difference in ideology, just methodology.

Evangelicals seem to have embraced the 21th century and its advantages. Instead of terror, why not divide and conquer and take over everything from the inside. They prefer the silent coup. They are not afraid nor lackadaisical. Their political power has grown consistently. While we sleep, they take over. They are the Starbucks of the 21st Century. They'll soon be on every street corner dishing out red bracelets and pamphlets. Islamic fundamentalists have other issues and methods, but I bet you if the Evangelical's methods stop working they'll be resorting to blowing themselves up soon enough. I mean they use the term war frequently during this movie. They call themselves Christ's Army. Is this any different from Jihad ? Isn't burning Harry Potter and witches a bit 17th century, not to mention violent? It is also funny to think most Evangelicals support the death penalty. At times, it almost seems like the Evangelicals praised the recruitment tactics and "teaching" methods of the Islamic fundamentalists. It is as if they are striving for the same results.

Early indoctrination is key in both. Get them early and bombard them constantly with rhetoric. Add group influence and it becomes difficult to deal with. It is the way cults work. Break their individuality and then re-form them into the community, where they get acceptance by the "mob". What they are taught is intolerance and linear thinking. If you are not a Christian then you are not one of us and don't belong in this country. History is also molded to reflect this. Apparently the architects of the United States of America used Judeo-Christian beliefs to found this country. Things like the Bill of Rights ,the Constitution, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state and the Age of Enlightenment (Age of Reason) are fabrications of the liberal media and Satan himself.

I am torn. I feel terrible for these children, but at the same time I fear them. These kids will probably grow up to do the same to their kids. Its their right to teach their own kids as they will, but please leave me and mine out of it. I don't go around telling other people what do to do and especially not what they should believe. Evangelicals do not have that separation. It is JC, 24/7, whether it is bowling, running a power point presentation, dancing, singing, talking or buying groceries. Everything relates to JC. How are you suppose to have a discourse with a person who not only will not listen, they wont even consider the possibilities outside of their sphere of knowledge? This is the inherent flaw in everything fundamentalist. Discourse is not an option. You either are with them or becoming one of them or you're not.

The only comical moment was to see Pastor Ted Haggard, in light of recent news. It was alleged that he had homosexual activity (which he is against) and even used crystal meth. Apparently he used to frequent gay bars and invite gay men to his congregation. I believe that is the most original pickup line I have ever heard. Kudos Pastor Ted, kudos. The allegations were so false, of course, that he resigned or was forced out. After 3 weeks of intensive counseling, he was heterosexual and drug free. This is the kind of stuff that give credence to my arguments.

Watching this documentary reminded me of Invasion of the Body Snatchers or maybe one of the many movies about the Inquistion (like the Name of the Rose). The idea that organized religion is not a beacon for truth, but rather a tool of chaos. Those who don't follow the practices I do, are inherently wrong. What is more saddening is that this is all done in God's name.

Much like M. Bennell, we need to find the pods and nip them in the bud. Till then, keep alert and ever vigilant. They are out there amongst us and we must unite.

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